Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Assessing Wardrobe

 Martina sent me a few pictures of what she had in her closet, so I'm going to go through and assess (with the limited view that I have into her closet) what we could possibly use.

So, here we have a variety of sweatshirts. While I personally like them, I'm not convinced that they would fit into the aesthetic I have planned for Martina's character (name to be decided at a later date!). The graphics they have on them are sport/travel-related, and while that could work, I don't think they'd be kitschy enough to seem like it fits into a thrift-based aesthetic.

Something that I would consider using would be like this sweater above. While still a sweatshirt, it has those kitschy elements that would make it look more grunge than other aesthetics. It also has the feature of the red layer underneath, which fits into the layering aesthetic I would like to incorporate.

Martina also has a collection of graphic tees. The one on the left fits perfectly into the type of "loud" t-shirts I was referring to in my previous blog post. The one on the right, while still a graphic tee, doesn't quite fit into the aesthetic I have envisioned. Disney, with the exception of Nightmare Before Christmas, feels like it clashes with the rebellious character we're trying to convey through her character.

This section of Martina's closet seems to fit another aesthetic. However, I don't mind reaching into it for a plain black shirt we can use to layer. I don't have much to add here.

These shirts feel perfect! I'm pretty sure the top of the stack on the right is a shirt with dolphins on it, which not only do I personally love, would fit in with the thrift-based aesthetic I'm trying to build with Martina's character. It looks slightly outdated in the sense that it's a very 2000s shirt, so you would hardly see a more mainstream trendy teen wearing it. I'll have to explore this section more in person.

Again, not much to add. The shoes are all on-trend and all trendy amongst more alternative style teens. Martina also has a studded belt, as you can see at the very top in the photo. This is also a super popular trend from the early 2000s that has made a comeback amongst trendy alternative teens. I'll see if I can incorporate it as necessary.

Martina also owns these pairs of jeans. Not much to add other than they're exactly what I wanted as I outlined in my last post

Now... this? This is precisely what I had in mind. It's so perfect!

It warrants a celebratory GIF.

Anyways, this fits into the aesthetic I'm trying to craft perfectly. If the bottom right shirt with the skull doesn't make it into the final cut of my trailers, please check in on me, because it means that I am not ok.

And to finish off, this is what Martina has on her hangers. She has a flannel and a few more pants. Nothing I necessarily feel the need to comment, but I really do think that this will fit into the aesthetic I am building surrounding her character.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Why Martina? And a Look into What Grunge Even Is

 So, this is Martina!

As you can tell, Martina already has a personal brand that fits in with the character type I want to do. She has the grunge/thrift teen aesthetic I want to create with my character. This means that I don't have to spend any money buying clothes or track someone down that's Martina's size.

But what does a grunge aesthetic even consist of?

From the Wikipedia page (yes, I use Wikipedia!):

Grunge fashion is the clothing, accessories and hairstyles of the grunge music genre and subculture which emerged in mid-1980s Seattle, and had reached wide popularity by the early 2000s. Grunge fashion is characterized by durable and timeless thrift-store clothing, often worn in a loose, androgynous manner to de-emphasize the silhouette. The style was popularized by music bands Nirvana, Soundgarden and Pearl Jam.

So, as part of my research, I looked up "grunge" on Pinterest and saved a few pins that I wanted to take inspiration from. (Check out what I found here) Some of what I saved is very much not grunge, but it reflects how that general type of alternative subculture of teens is dressing these days. Sticking to what would be considered strictly grunge would most likely result in an outdated wardrobe, which while not necessarily an issue, doesn't feel too realistic of what a suburban teen would wear.

The main reason I wanted to go with more of an internet girl influence is that it would be realistic for the modern teen; this movie isn't going to be set in the past. It's pretty well known that TikTok is setting trends, especially among teens

Elements I would like to include are:

  • Band tee shirts
  • Graphic tees with generally "aggressive" prints
    • Aggressive meaning loud, with lots of primary colors, and intense imagery (such as skulls)
  • Ripped, baggy jeans
  • Flannel
  • Loose layers and clothing in general
    • The androgynous style and lack of a silhouette is an important part of grunge fashion, and it definitely has carried on to the modern day. It would be a mistake not to include this aspect.
While I don't necessarily think I have to include all of these aspects, I think it would be interesting to have and it's definitely the vision I have for the costuming.

So, I'm using Martina because she already has these things in her closet and her dyed hair adds another element without me having to explain to an angry parent why their kid came home with different-colored hair.

Monday, March 8, 2021

Telling Martina The New Plan

So, I honestly still wanted to make my chick flick because I did the research and thought it would be cute </3

But Martina and I both don't like kissing randoms, so I decided to go with the more grungey coming of age film. I think this is a lot easier for me to accomplish with the restraints I have. While I could possibly ask my friend Soha to be the star, her relationship is kind of rocky right now and it requires me completely finishing ALL filming in 4 days. I don't think that's a limitation I would like to place on myself, so this seems like the right way forward!

So, when I originally told Martina about the plan, I was very much thinking about Beautiful Boy, hence the idea for the grunge movie involving drug use. However, this isn't really the path I want to go with anymore, so disregard the comment!

Anyways, Martina is on board! A post about why I chose her will be going up soon.

Thursday, March 4, 2021


Turns out that David's girlfriend doesn't want to do the trailers. This throws an absolute wrench in my plans. Time to completely change what I had planned!

I had a bit of a backup plan, which I discussed with the class yesterday. While Martina has no one to kiss, she does have a cool closet that's pretty grungy and gives me teenage runaway vibes. My idea is to take her up and down State Road 84 and film a teenage runaway film. 

The basic premise is a teenager who gets tired of her suburban life and chooses to run away towards the city as a result. However, she realizes that she made a mistake and is now somewhere where she can't get back and isn't safe.

While the movie is probably not related in the slightest, I got the idea from Beautiful Boy because I think I'd like to have similar vibes to the "my son is a drug addict" drama.

Here is the trailer for Beautiful Boy. I want to make something that feels a bit gritty and realistic, which is the main reason my mind wandered to Beautiful Boy.

I feel like the trailer is a good example of how to demonstrate an interpersonal drama in a compelling way and I like the way it's set up with the arguments and the shots of each of them going through their own problems. While I was initially very opposed to having a voiceover, I don't think that it's that bad of an idea after watching this trailer.

I also checked out the trailer for Marriage Story since it came up on my YouTube recommended after the Beautiful Boy trailer. It's another realistic, popular, drama that involves interpersonal relationships, so it's worth looking into.

So, this was a really interesting take on a trailer. It's just a scene from the movie, and it's arguably the climax. And they just... made it the trailer. I'm not sure I want to take this route to be honest, as I don't know if it would be the best method of showing technique. However, since we're doing a pair of trailers and not just one, I think it could be an interesting way to produce just one of them, by having the scene between the daughter and the mother arguing. I think I'd have to recruit my mom into being my actress, so we'll see.

I also found the trailer for an indie drama about adolescence, which is something definitely worth looking into. While it definitely wasn't a box office hit, I am making an indie drama about adolescence so it's a pretty good example to look at. It deals with a teen boy, not a teen girl, but I could get some ideas for color grading and trailer structure out of it.

I think it's pretty interesting. I like how dark the movie is, not in a tone sense, but in the literal color grading and lighting sense.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Kissing During a Pandemic

So all of my friends that were in relationships broke up. That kinda throws a wrench in my plans because I need people to kiss in my trailers. So, I turned to Twitter to see if any of my 57 followers could help me out.

Unfortunately, my little brother's friends are lonely too.

I broke up with my ex-boyfriend like two months ago and I think it'd be messier than it's worth trying to involve him in helping me out. Plus, I simply do not want to, which I think is a good enough excuse to not do anything.

I could give up and turn my trailers into a film about a cute kitty romance involving my cat, Pikachu, but he's mean and doesn't like other cats and I'm not very well trained in the art of animal training. It's unfortunate, I think Pikachu makes quite the handsome leading man.

So, I got to texting people individually if they could help me out by acting in my trailers. I sent the following text:
"1. is there someone who is willing to kiss you on the mouth?
2. if so, could you act in a trailer for me?"

I got the following responses...


But then I realized my friend David is literally in a relationship and his girlfriend is very nice. After asking if they would act in my trailer, David told me that he'd ask but it'd probably be a yes! I'm very excited and by knowing their vibes, I know I can more properly develop a story. I think that writing the role specifically for someone is much easier than writing the role and trying to find two people that fit into that role.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Funky Costumes?

 So I was scrolling Twitter (as one does) and I came across this tweet that really piqued my interest. Here it is below:

I really like this as a look. The monochromatic for each character is definitely something I could incorporate, especially if I decide to go for a more whimsical childhood-based storyline like some of the color palettes inspired me to.

I'm also tempted to use a funky hat. I feel like I could have a lot of fun by incorporating a frog hat. I don't know how serious I am about this idea, but I definitely think it could be fun, funky, and fresh.

On a more serious note, I think I'm liking the following color palette for costuming. We'll see how it goes once I figure out who I can get to act in my trailers.


Monday, March 1, 2021

Word Clouds: Part 2

Here are the remainder of the world clouds! I have a post about costuming coming up soon, and I'm excited for you all to see it :)