These are the word clouds! They're in the same order as the palettes, so you can correlate them. The first word cloud correlates with the first color palette. Sorry for not having them side by side, the coding is a little too complicated for me to manage.
Friday, February 26, 2021
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Group Meetings
We had a group meeting in class today. Unfortunately, due to time constraints, Chelsea and I weren't able to present our own project ideas. However, we'll be meeting with Briana and Dominic on Monday in order for them to also have some discussions, so be on the lookout for another update coming next week.
However, I was able to provide my input on a lot of my classmates' projects, and I feel like along the way, it gave me a few neat ideas.
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Looking to Colors for Inspiration
Sometimes you can really get a vibe from a color palette, so I decided to put a bunch of palettes together to see if any really inspired me. Below, I've attached 10 color palettes, a blog post explaining what types of vibes they inspire will be coming very very soon.
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Brainstorming An Idea
So, in order to begin my quest for an idea of what to do, I decided to visit an old friend of mine: random online story generators. I might have done this last year, to be honest, but I don't recall at this moment. In order to do this, I decided to hit up FilmSourcing.
Here are the ones I considered highlights!
A conservative horse whisperer leaves her fiancée at the altar and runs off to Florida where she is transformed by colourful characters firing snappy one-liners. With little else to do, she becomes obsessed with a heart broken teacher and they fall in love. There is just one obstacle – his last name is Penis.
A gorgeous actress buys a last minute ticket to Florida where her life is suddenly full of the wisdom of the elderly. With little else to do, she becomes obsessed with an unconventional writer and they connect. But one thing stands in the way – he has a dark secret.
An adrift lawyer is forced to return to her family home in the Greek Islands where her life is suddenly full of overwhelming solitude. One day she is rescued by a charming doctor and they fall in love. There is just one obstacle – she's actually a princess and arranged to marry some royal douche.
Monday, February 22, 2021
Going Over Past Triumphs and Mistakes
So, I've decided to go with the chick flick... luckily for me, the trailer project we did a few weeks ago was a chick flick romance. The first step to figuring out what kind of chick flick trailers I want to do in the future involves me looking at the one I made in the past and figuring out what I feel I did right and what I did wrong.
Full disclosure, I edited the audio after turning it in for the purposes of uploading it to this blog. The audio I got rid of was the dialogue between the two main characters. This is for a few reasons:
- The voice actors were me and my brother. I simply could not get over the ick-factor that came with watching the romantic dialogue between us, time and time again, while analyzing what I did in this trailer.
- I still have no idea what I'm doing with my microphone, so a lot of the audio was poorly recorded and as a result, had a lot of inconsistencies when I tried to edit out background noise and modify our voices to sound different.
- I know for a fact that the dialogue audio is what I hate most about the project. I don't feel like I would be able to properly focus on the other elements I did if the dialogue audio was there, hindering my own criticism of my work.
- I really like the song choice. I think it fits the woodsy, romantic, artsy vibe I was aiming for, and I think my project partner and I made the right choice regarding it.
- The color grading in some clips is really bright, warm, and summery. I quite like it and I'm proud of myself in retrospect while watching it.
- Briana shot the footage, and I really like how much movement she was able to incorporate. I often fall into the trap of not moving the camera when filming, but the movement gives the footage a lot more life.
- The transition into the title card! It's not realistic because the flash doesn't come out of the camera, but do I care? No. Does the audience care? No. It looks super cool.
- I'm ashamed to admit it! I'm having second thoughts about my font choice for the title cards. I think the sans serif font is too devoid of character and personality in retrospect. While I still like it, I don't know if it was the right fit for the trailer.
- Some of the clips needed more stabilization, I should've run it through After Effects another time.
- The production company logo is super simple and doesn't feel as intentional as I would like.
- Shots are super repetitive. I definitely need to set up multiple shooting locations when I put together this trailer, it feels like it happens all in one day because it literally does. It's lacking full-length film vibes.
- The footage gets very warped at multiple points. Tripod for filming is a MUST!
- THE title card is very plain. Definitely need to add to it in the future.
Friday, February 19, 2021
What Do Trailers Even Look Like?
So, to start off, I'm looking at what genre I'm interested in doing and which I can feasibly do with my $11.30/hr budget in South Florida. I decided to look at a few different types of trailers and see what would best fit into my capabilities.
Starting off with... action.
I decided to look at the trailers for The Bourne Identity, Baby Driver, and Snowpiercer, which I have included in this post right below! I didn't seek out a particular trailer, I went with the first one that came up when I searched it, so long as it was a full-length trailer.
Thursday, February 18, 2021
Deciding on... The Trailer
So, I've decided to go with the movie promotion package and produce a pair of trailers. While I had the option to work in a group, I think working alone is best in order to ensure that I can have full control over my creative vision.
I was between the movie promotion and documentary package, but I decided that the movie promotion seemed much more appealing to me. If anything, I can produce trailers for a documentary. Trailers aren't confined by genre.
I'll be posting a research post soon!
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
Deciding on the A Level Project
Hello all! It's been almost a year since I've posted on this blog, but I'm back with another 2 month long posting spree thanks to the lovely A-level project I'll be documenting here. So... let's cut to the chase!
What will I even be doing? Last year we all focused on the short film opening, but this year we have a lot more flexibility. This year we have both a visual and "print" component, so that's exciting! I really wanted to do the magazine last year </3 (I'm a font fanatic, what can I say?)
So, let's go over the options and think them over!
Option 1: music promotion package
So this is the one I really want to do... unfortunately I don't really have access to a local artist. My only offers were an ironic one from my friend who lives 5 hours away and an acquaintance of mine who sent me his music. The first one was a satirical rap and the second was also rap but... it wasn't school-appropriate in the slightest and wasn't very good in my personal opinion.
So, despite this being the one I want to do... I have no one to film and I don't want to dedicate myself to a package I'm not even sure I can find an artist for.
Option 2: film promotion package
So, this is the one that interests me the most, after the music promotion. Lucky for me, this doesn't require original music! We recently did a pair of trailers (one full-length and one teaser) and I had a really good time doing it! It allows for a lot more creativity in post-production since you can get really funky with the effects. I was able to do this cool camera flash effect for the teaser trailer I made about a month ago. It's embedded below!
My issue? I'm utterly uninspired when it comes to the documentary. While I think I can pull it off, I can't come up with an idea for an entire docuseries. I don't feel very inspired in this area, and I don't want to create an uninspired piece.
Option 4: short film package
I don't want to make a short film </3 I'm not very inspired with the regard to be completely honest. While I have no doubts that I could figure out a cool idea, but it's not something I'm very excited to do when compared to the other options. That's a pretty obvious sign that I shouldn't choose it.
I'm going to continue thinking it over, but I think it's pretty obvious which I'm leaning towards...